We have all been bombarded by the gay community with the term "homophobia." It's been attached to anyone who says they are against homosexual activity, whether they love the homosexuals or not. That is the basis of something very different, "
heterophobia." If you haven't heard of the word before, don't worry, I more or less coined it.
Let me set some ground rules here. I am not straight nor am I gay. I am as God intended me to be, a male with a passion for my wife. I do not hate homosexuals, but I do detest the act of homosexuality, that is the intimate sexual act between people of the same sex. I bring to you the Wisdom of God's Word as well as some very interesting observations. I also want to get something straight about God's Word. When we talk of a God who is a loving God, we don't mean that He lets everyone into Heaven and allows any activity. I'll get into that later.
In fact, let's get into that now. In 1st John 4:7,8 it says, "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and everyone who
loveth is born of God; and
knoweth God. He that
loveth not,
knoweth not God for God is love." From those last 3 words people get the idea that God, being a loving God, would never pass judgment on anyone, much less send them to a place of eternal punishment. Excuse me? How could God then be a just God, for He must be both a just God and a loving God. Say for instance a person was pulled over for speeding, although they really weren't. Another person was pulled over for a hit and run. A third person was arrested for murder. The latter two are guilty of their actions, but the first one is not. Now they happen to go before the same judge (which won't happen in our society, but for the sake of the parable stick with me), what would you think of a judge who let them all go free? He might say something like, "Mr. Jones it appears that you have been tried and rightly convicted of murder. But I'm a loving God. No penalty will be given. Have a nice day. Case dismissed." Wouldn't you feel as though justice had been denied, at least for the victim of this murderer? So you see, saying God is a loving God must, by reason of logic alone, be a just God. That means there will be those who get to Heaven, and there will be those who go to Hell. The important thing to remember here is that God is the One who paid the price for all of our sins, past, present, and future, for all of us, but it is up to us to ask for His forgiveness. Failure to do so results in US choosing to go to Hell instead of Heaven. It's not God's fault. So stop blaming Christians, the church, or God for being unreasonable, and start taking some responsibility for our own choices. Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." God clearly not only gives us a choice, but He tells us which choice to make.
Okay, back to this homosexual thing. How in the world is it right for you to judge me and not for me to judge your actions? This is the heart of
Heterophobia is "Hate speech" directed towards people who have a different sexual orientation than homosexuals. Most Christians I know have taken a hard line against homosexual activity. My pastor, God bless him, has said he will never marry homosexuals in his church. Is this because he hates them? No, it is because he loves them. Confused? If you were sick and needed medical attention a doctor saying you were okay would be harming you, right? So would a man or woman of God. We don't hate homosexuals, but we hate the kind of sexual activity they have embarked on. We also realize that one sin is the same as another in the eyes of God, that is, none is acceptable. So we aren't putting people down, but we are letting them know they need a doctor. I remember talking with a man who admitted he was gay. I asked him if he ever wanted to get out of that kind of lifestyle. He said he did, but it was impossible to escape. That's correct, but God gives each of us His power when we come to Him to be released from our sins, whatever they might be. As I was explaining this to him another man came up and started ranting about how the homosexuals run the ad agencies, Hollywood, the fashion industry as well as most of the arts. He said this guy would be crazy to leave the gay community. This second man knew his lifestyle would bring him and all those who took part in it to death, and yet he was bound and determined to make sure others were bound to that same eternal punishment. Is that love? Is this what they mean by being tolerant? If so then count me as being intolerant, because I want to help those who wish to be helped. Plus, that little verse over in Romans about homosexuality actually talks about these people. For it says in Romans 1:32, "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." This is not love. This is lust. This is sin. This is hatred towards those they say they love, which is possibly the worst kind of hatred, because it is betrayal.
I'm writing all of this because the New York State legislature, in their vast wisdom (or lack thereof) have made same sex marriages legal. The thing is I have yet to meet a homosexual couple that are pure homosexual. By this I mean there is a male and a female in each partnership. Oh, they might not have the body parts or the right chromosomes to be one or the other, but these couples are clearly defined nevertheless. Without getting too raunchy here if you look at a couple of gay males, one will be the dominant male, the other takes the role of the submissive female. "She" usually is the one who dresses like a woman, or at least softer than the "male" counterpart. In lesbian relationships you find the same thing. One is acting out the male part, while the other is acting out the female part. So even homosexuals agree that their relationship can only work if there is a male and a female, even if it isn't strictly biological. That should be telling us something. It should be telling us that they are aware that the laws for marriage
should be between one man and one woman. But because of their lust they have decided that one can play the part of what is missing. Do you realize what harm this does to both of these people? And we aren't even talking about an eternal punishment. In Genesis 2:18 God says, "It is not good for man to be alone." In the 22
nd verse we see how God takes a rib from the man and fashions from it woman. Then God brings the woman to the man. Why, because it is not good for man to be alone. Most interesting is what God says in verse 24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Listen up you who think that homosexuality is something God thinks is okay, or something that is natural, or something we should accept. Man, that is Adam, was formed first. In him, and only in him, did both the male and the female life in one body. When God took from Adam and created Eve the ONLY way for that special union to occur again would be if a man and a woman came together. It's not just to make babies, as some have said, but it is to bring man back to that perfect union with God. He needed a partner, because he was alone, but he needed that loneliness to be filled with himself in the form of a female counter part. You cannot get away from this. You cannot join two men together and get one. You only get two men. You cannot join two women together. You just get two women. However, if in love you take a man and a woman and join them, then, and only then shall there be "one flesh", one union that will stand the tests of time. One union that can be filled with the glorious Light of God.
My dear friends in the gay community, please hear what I am saying. You are dealing dangerously with your life. I do not want that. God does not want that. For this reason He sent His Son to come down and die so that all your sins could be wiped away, and mine as well. If I stepped on your toes, perhaps it was to keep you from continuing on and falling into the abyss that stands before you. It isn't to hurt you but heal you, although only God can truly heal. Do not claim that God accepts what you are doing and condones it. Own up to your sin or you can never be free of it, for you will never repent of it. It would be the same for me if I denied that I had problems with my temper. I wouldn't ask forgiveness and therefore wouldn't receive it. Both those who are homosexuals and those who act on rage will go to the same place of punishment, but both can be restored through the love and mercy of God through Jesus Christ, whose blood can make us perfect and holy before God.